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Activities other than exercise that help you stay healthy

Updated: Mar 1, 2022

As the Recreation department, we are always advocating for the benefits of exercise on people’s lives. But we want to remind everyone that there are perfectly great options that you can do that are not exercise related. We are happy that we were able to compile a list that is short, and we think that everyone will be able to add something to your list of things.

Do something you like and brings you happiness.

That’s all we suggest you do. So, if you like reading, take some time to read the new book you ordered or one that you want to re-read. If exploring new areas of your neighbourhood with your pet helps you relax, plan some time after class. Have that comfort show playing in the background at a meal. Pull out the board games to have some fun with those you live with. Get curious or creative in ways that you enjoy.

Social media makes it seem like there are certain activities that are better for you than others. But we want to remind you that you don’t have to force yourself to do something that other people consider healthy. Everyone has their own interests. Joy is sparked with different interests at different times. You can suddenly not want to play video games with your friends if you are finding you don’t enjoy the games anymore. You can get in reading, exercising, or whatever slumps because you find the hobby suddenly tedious.

So, this is your little reminder to do things that you enjoy. The things that make you happy, spark joy, and inspires your creativity.

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