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Benefits of Outdoor Exercise in Winter

As much as we are starting to miss the summer heat, winter is a favourite to at least one person you know. The snowfall or a particular activity usually being the reason. But there are some other reasons that the winter is just as amazing as the summer!

1. Increasing brown fat: There are multiple types of body fat that we have. Most of the time when people hear ‘body fat’, people usually think of white fat. This is the fat that surrounds organs, is under the skin, and stores energy for later. It also plays a role in hormone function related to many different processes. However, too much white fat has been related to type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Brown fat is what people call baby fat, which usually sticks around the neck and shoulders. However, this type of fat is a big catalyst for burning fatty acids and keeps you warm while also helping prevent obesity. Now, research, although only on men, has shown that colder temperatures increase brown fat and further increase one’s metabolism.

2. Fewer allergies: Outdoor allergies are very few during the colder months. Pollen is non-existent, which makes it more enjoyable when spending time with loved ones outside. It’s a great opportunity to take advantage and exercise allergy free!

3. Lowered risk of disease: Yes, you’re more likely to get the cold but there are many diseases and viruses that are more prevalent and stronger during the warmer temperatures. Additionally, bugs that carry possible diseases, like mosquitoes, are not active during the winter. No need to remember to lather on the bug spray every hour!

4. You sleep great! For you to truly fall asleep, your body temperature needs to drop, and it does that naturally. It’s like how your body temperature drops when you are relaxed. However, during the summer months, with the naturally hotter temps, it takes longer for your body to cool down and can take people up to 2 hours to truly fall asleep. When you exercise outside in the winter, you won’t get this feeling of exercise is more difficult because your body temperature is lower. However, it does mean that you do need to warm up a little longer.

5. Helps your heart health: working out in the cold comes with its own challenges but it will also cause the heart to compensate for the activity plus the added work of keeping the body warm. It makes your heart strong!

6. A variety of activities! Winter brings in activities that you may have never tried before or activities that you can only do in the winter! Skiing, snowboarding, outdoor skating or hockey, cross-country skiing. You name it! These activities are great for full-body exercise and challenge you in ways that you can’t get in the gym or with summer activities. Plus, the amazing scenery, will add a relaxing effect and little bouts of fun to play in the fluffy snow!


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