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What is a GI-Map

And why do I recommend and use it with all my clients?

This blog was written by Chelsea, our on-staff Holistic Nutritionist! Book sessions with Chelsea over on our registration site at


The GI-MAP at-home stool test is a functional testing option that gives us a comprehensive picture of what the inner workings of our digestive function look like at a given time.

This is the DNA stool analysis that I use with all my clients!

I absolutely love this test because it provides insights into a multitude of aspects of our gut health, from viral pathogens to bacteria (both beneficial and opportunistic bugs), parasites/fungus, digestive function, immune function, and more.

It can give us quantitative data about what is happening in the gut so we don't have to take a shot in the dark and play guessing games about why a certain symptom like gas, bloating or heartburn might be occurring for you.

These markers give us insight into whether our digestive secretions are working for us optimally, whether there is inflammation in the gut, and more. Once we have this information, I work with clients to create a protocol using natural methods of rebalancing the gut:

· Nutrition and food choices

· Herbs and supplements

· Lifestyle and habits

Let’s take a deeper dive into the information we get access to when using the GI-MAP.


The first page of the GI MAP stool test measures for various pathogens: bacterial, parasitic, and viral. These are pathogens that would generally make someone very sick if they were infected.

Things you may have heard of, like salmonella, E. coli, C. difficile are on this panel. Generally, if you’re infected with one of these, you would usually be headed to the hospital or to your GP. Often if these pathogens do come up, we will bring your GP in for collaborative care.

While these pathogens generally come back negative, individuals can be asymptomatic carriers of certain bacteria like C. difficile, so while there may not be an active infection, it could be feeding on undigested amino acids, so we like to keep this in mind.

H. Pylori

H. pylori is a bacterium that can colonize the stomach. This particular bacteria has a corkscrew-shaped “tail,” which is used to burrow itself into the cells of our stomach lining. As you can imagine, this can wreak havoc on the cells of our stomach lining and the ability to secrete stomach acid.

H. pylori has been known to contribute to conditions like acid reflux/GERD, gastritis, stomach cancer, and even thyroid disease and histamine intolerance. While it’s important to eradicate H. pylori for those reasons, when it’s present, it’s also important as H. pylori infections can impact stomach acid levels.

When our stomach acid levels are too low (which can happen in the case of H. pylori), we aren’t neutralizing pathogens (which can cause imbalances in our microbiome further down the digestive tract), we aren’t digesting proteins adequately, and we may not be absorbing vitamin B12 effectively.

Normal Bacteria Flora

The GI-MAP tests for a variety of beneficial microbes (like Akkermansia) so we can see what they are up to. These are the beneficial “bugs” that provide us with a ton of health benefits. They play roles in our metabolism, immunity, the health of our intestinal lining, producing short-chain fatty acids, manufacturing and modulating neurotransmitters, impacting our mood, producing vitamins, and so much more!

When we’re lacking beneficial bacteria it can cause gas, bloating, and even contribute to intestinal permeability, aka. "Leaky Gut".

When we see imbalances in these normal beneficial florae on the GI-MAP, whether it be a deficiency in these good bugs or an overgrowth of them, we can better direct recommendations moving forward to rebalance their numbers, so they can continue to support us and our health.

Opportunistic Bacteria

We like to think of the opportunistic bacteria here as the weeds in our garden. It’s fine to have some of them hanging around in manageable numbers (in our gut, these bugs help to keep our immune system on top of its game!), but when things start to get out of hand, they overgrow, it can become extremely problematic.

Overgrowth with these bugs, especially specific inflammatory species, can contribute to many digestive symptoms. They can cause things like diarrhea, bloating, gas, distention, and inflammation.

Certain bacteria overgrow because of low stomach acid and will rebalance themselves once we address imbalances like H. pylori. Other bugs, though, can trigger inflammation and autoimmune diseases unless eradicated. Using the GI-MAP, we can see which specific species are overgrown in the microbiome and are then able to better target them specifically to rebalance numbers.

Fungi and Yeast

I have found that many people, and many of my clients, believe they have Candida overgrowth. Testing for populations of fungus, such as Candida albicans, can help us understand if this is an issue that should be addressed.

Fungal overgrowths can contribute to skin issues, yeast infections, and digestive symptoms like bloating and altered bowel movements.


The GI-MAP test looks for two types of parasites: protozoa and worms. Protozoa are kind of like highly evolved bacteria, while worms are, well, worms!

Parasites, by nature, survive at our expense. They deplete us of nutrients and energy and create stress on the body. They can contribute to altered bowel movements, fatigue, skin concerns, nausea, weight loss, and much more.

Whenever we see parasites on a GI-MAP, this is something we want to eradicate immediately, and oftentimes, we need to involve your GP for support and collaborative care.

Intestinal Health Markers

This panel on the GI-MAP is a sneak peek into overall digestion; whether gut imbalances could be contributing to hormonal issues and overall intestinal health.

By testing the markers Elastase-1 and Steatocrit, we can get a better idea of what our digestive secretion output is and how well we are breaking down our food. Secretory IgA is a marker for overall gut immune function, and Anti-gliadin IgA can let you know if your immune system is reacting to gluten specifically.

Did you know that upwards of 70% of our immune system is located in the gut?! This is a very important marker for gut health.

So, there you have it! Are you ready to dive into your gut health and get your health on track? Chat with me about ordering a GI-MAP test and we’ll work together to personalize your protocol for optimal gut health!

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